Monday, July 20, 2009

Here's The Thing About Chad...

I must interrupt my plans to tell you about the bridal shower to show you this marvelous find. It doesn't need an introduction. I'll just say that I was at the beer garden at Venice Beach when I looked down and saw a little piece of paper. There's a front and a back side. Haven't decided which I prefer.


Katelin said...

haha wow. chad sounds like a winner.

Anonymous said...

I completely forgot about this!!! How funny, I don't know which side I like either!!!

Phil said...

That was well worth it. I'm now dying to meet the person who wrote that.

Karen said...

I've come up with about six different scenarios so far that could explain this. Hmm, what do a vasectomy and a no-nexican have in common?

Rachael said...

Woot vasectomy!!! With a Scottish Wife!!!
I'm in!

Tia said...


that's like, texts from last night in paper form.