Monday, July 6, 2009

Piss Or Get Off the Pot

I can't tell if I like that expression or not. But it's fitting. For months this blog has been circling the drain. I have trouble finding the time to write, and when I do I don't seem to have a lot to say.

I used to get many more comments than I do now (I blame myself). And I'm not the sort of blogger who claims to write just for herself. I do it for other people to read and chime in. If this were just for me, I'd keep my thoughts in my head where they belong. It would save us all a lot of trouble.

To make matters worse, a number of my favorite bloggers have closed up shop. Surviving Myself and Miss Minneapolis have peaced out. It's really very tempting to do the same.

But, I won't! I don't have a good enough reason to stop. And not only will I not quit, but I also will put more effort into it. For you, the 14 people who read this. All for you!


Katelin said...

yes please don't leave, i don't think i could handle another blogger closing their doors. er that doesn't work here but you know what i mean.

Courtney said...

Bri I read your thoughts! And I really enjoy them on your blog :)

kat said...

To quote the heartfelt sentiments of my favorite early 90s boy-band ballad... Please don't go! Don't gooo-oooh-oh-oh-oh! Don't go away! HEY HEY HEY!!!!

There. Now stay put.

mmg said...

Yay - keep it up! I will still be reading, and I am lame and you are not. So there's that. KEEP GOING.

Phil said...

I know! It's been so sad watching so many great bloggers throw in the towel. But as a devoted one-of-the-14 readers, I'm glad you're staying. And seriously, we should go for drinks in LA sometime.

Anonymous said...


ems said...

I read every post you put up. I'm a lurker, sure, but a loyal reader. Don't throw in the towel! I love your blog!

Rachael said...

Bri if you stop blogging then how would I be part of your life from 3000 miles away!
Besides that if you do "sign off" I will punch you HARD in the arm... and no one wants that!

Ellie said...

I'm a new follower!

so there *wink*

Dried-on Milk said...

oh man i just recently found your blog and every good one seems to contemplate the very idea of closing up shop. i may not comment much but i enjoy your writing and find you HI-LARIOUS!

Hollywood Sucker said...

My goodness! Thanks to everyone for the ego boost. I promise I'm not going anywhere (yet).

I also promised myself to spend more time reading blogs. I used to do it much more often and I loved it. You guys all have such great stories to tell.

Anonymous said...

Yay, glad you have decided to keep posting. It helps me feel like I actually see you more than once a year!


Anonymous said...

Hey don't close up shop! You're one of my regular reads.

From NerdLand,

JenBun said...

Everybody's either leaving or threatening to leave. Don't leeeeeeeeeeeeeeave us, B!!!

If I promise to be a better commentor, will you stay? Deal??

OK, deal. Thank you. :D

mirmorris said...

THANK GOODNESS! I always look forward to reading and getting a good laugh. You brighten my day!