Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Heads Will Roll

I must confess something. During the whole wedding planning process I've aimed to be described as "such a cool bride to be." I want people to say "she's so easy going about it all." "Even with all of the stress, she behaved like a sane person."

For a while it was easy to be this bride character I'd invented.

And then I actually took a look at the calendar and realized that -holy moses!- I only have a month left. And of that month there are only 8 weekend days in which to get everything done. 9 if you count Labor Day but I plan on day drinking, so.

8 days!

Then a switch went off somewhere in my brain. I swear there may have been an audible click. Now I'm a lunatic. I've been angry with Devin, my mother, my DJ for sending me a 4 word email response to my lengthy email to him, half of my guest list for not rsvping in a timely fashion, and the guy who manages the string trio for possibly vanishing off the face of the earth.

Oh, and another note about the string trio guy. This morning while in the shower I actually rehearsed (out loud!) the angry voicemail I'm going to leave him if he took over a week to respond to my last email. He has 1 day left. If I fire him I think that will make me feel better...for about 20 minutes.

I am trying not to feel stressed, even though really I am sort of a control freak and paranoid and I panic easily. I'm trying to ignore my instincts and be awesome.

But it's beyond me at this point. I'm going nuts and I keep feeling like I'm going to cry and I have no idea why this is happening.

Breathing in.
Breathing out.
Moving on...


Anonymous said...

don't worry it is going to be fun no matter what...all those things you think are going to drive you crazy right now will seem inconsequential! just make sure that the bar is fully stocked, and it will be a blast.

Katelin said...

you can do it! i know you can. because if you can't then man i don't know i'll be able to make it next year, haha. and i say, utilize your wedding party to help you with whatever they can. matt was a major help in the wedding he was in, and helped put name placecards together. i know the bride and groom loved him and the other groomsmen for stepping in to relieve them of some of the stress and i will definitely be practicing some of the same methods next year :)

Anonymous said...

Two things:

1 - Rehearsing voice mails out loud is AWESOME.

2 - Any angry voicemail/email/wedding vow should begin with, "Listen, fuckface..."

Anonymous said...

If its any consolation.. I'm pretty sure you help keep a lot of other people sane.

Tia said...

totally normal.

carry on.